What is the distinguishing feature of contracted style of new Chinese style droplight?

by:Rongde     2021-01-14
Modern people is becoming more and more show concise in aesthetic tendencies, so the new Chinese style lamp act the role ofing also design a kind of relatively simple design style. This kind of new Chinese style droplight general lamp arm is fine, sculpture design is concise, some only adopting the modelling of bamboo as a lamp arm, while others simply use lamp arm straight line. But usually use a small amount of Chinese elements in the whole lamp, overall carrying the beauty of the new Chinese style is more contracted atmosphere. We all his life, to do the common things good we, with the same spirit of craftsmen opened new journey - Lamp act the role ofing more new Chinese style lamps and lanterns and lamps and lanterns of customization information, consult the QQ: 2268258474, or telephone: 18028331945 ( WeChat)
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