What is the difference between new Chinese style lamps and lanterns and the Chinese style lamps and lanterns? Which is better?

by:Rongde     2021-01-14
Mention of new Chinese style and traditional Chinese style lamps and lanterns of lamps and lanterns have what distinction, which is better to see slightly smaller, the author can only say that from the application and style, lamps and lanterns is not comparable, both new despite modern elements in Chinese style lamps and lanterns, but it is concise and not lack of line feeling and elegant feeling, also can build Chinese artistic conception beauty, is mainly used in the new Chinese style and Chinese style style segment; While traditional Chinese style lamps and lanterns is mainly classic restoring ancient ways is given priority to, more applied in the style restoring ancient ways. So-called plus ca change, deduce any kind of style has its specific cultural background, in order to pass specific cultural atmosphere in the pursuit of people's lives. New Chinese style lamps and lanterns and the Chinese style lamps and lanterns on the aesthetic each have fairly valued lovers, also can't discuss the relative merits. Decorate in the choose Chinese style and Chinese style lamps and lanterns, completely by homeowners aesthetic feeling. In conclusion, the carry forward the Chinese beauty, pursuing a minimalist style, the east for thousands of years of Chinese civilization, it not only never out of date, and the more the longer sends out a fascinating Oriental charm. We all his life, to do the common things good we, with the same spirit of craftsmen opened new journey - - - - - New Chinese style lamps and lanterns of the brand
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