What are the factors affect the price of a lamp

by:Rongde     2021-01-22
Desk lamp is our bedroom, is very common in the study and office lighting. It brought great convenience to our life. Desk lamp is not only beautiful, and very practical. So, what are the factors affect the price of desk lamp? Lighting factory together with you and see it. The influence factors of desk lamp price are as follows: 1. Chip is different, desk lamp chip is divided into domestic chip, imported chips, etc. The price difference is very big between the chip. The most expensive is the chip, followed by Japan and Germany chip. Price is the lowest Taiwan chip, the heat dissipation performance is poorer. 2. Packing in a different way, way has two kinds of resin and silica gel. Resin encapsulation of the price will be cheaper, all other things are all the same. Silicone resin encapsulation will have better heat dissipation performance, so the price will be more expensive than resin. 3. Welding effect is different. Desk lamp of the welding effect is divided into manual welding and welding machine. Use soldering iron hand welding, and use the most primitive method for welding. This manual welding product appearance ugly, static maintenance measures. After turning on the power supply, many chips can damage, leading to darken even dawn phenomenon. Welding the weld using reflow welding machine. Welding machine is different. After welding are not only beautiful, but not damaged by static electricity. At the same time, the LED position and direction of the more beautiful. 4. The material of lamp is different. Desk lamp of materials can be divided into two kinds: rolling of copper and copper clad. The desk lamp of copper clad material is cheap, and rolling the desk lamp of copper material is more expensive. Above is the factors affect the price of desk lamp and table lamp types of related content. There are different kinds of desk lamp, the performance of each is different. You can choose according to their own needs.
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