The room layout of lamps and lanterns collocation tips

by:Rongde     2021-01-10
Lamps and lanterns is in the room layout are more widely application plays a role, with various factors should be considered, the reasonable application, such as: ( 1) For the choice of lamps and lanterns. According to culture of each family, hobbies, profession, such as the choice of different lamps and lanterns will show different style and colour, but now generally have one thing in common and generous concise. People engaged in mental work, like quiet, such as: reading, light to moderate need lamps and lanterns, the lamp has to he needed, the floor lamp is helpful to read, bedside lamp helps to rest before have a look at the newspaper. And according to the requirement of the different age of lamps and lanterns is different, for example, children, children's lamps and lanterns is colour diversity, variety, cartoon type lamps and lanterns to children is full of fantasy, and I need more reflect more bright-coloured colour. ( 2) Choose the overall lighting and local lighting of the primary and secondary relations, most people is to choose, droplight or absorb dome light mounted at the center of the room, but people also according to the need to install some local lighting lamps and lanterns, such as a wall lamp, table lamp, floor lamp and so on as auxiliary. The choice of lamps and lanterns, if the room is small can be decorated with some mid-range absorb dome light, don't advocate the lamp, also can use a larger wall lamp, or absorb dome light, desk lamp for lighting lamps and lanterns, so more can apply colours to a drawing gives the adornment style of the room, make ginseng flooring closely. ( 3) And bedroom lamps and lanterns, must be careful to lighting decoration design, because the bedroom is people rests primarily, therefore the lamps and lanterns of the bedroom had better choose the type of lighting is tame, indoor use indirect lighting, the color of the ceiling to light, the effect of the reflected light is good, if use small low wattage spot light, ceiling should be dark, which can build a soft romantic emotional atmosphere, but should try to avoid the bed below the arrangement of the chandelier, light color should be soft, this man was lying in bed, a light won't stimulate eyes feel uncomfortable. The lamplight of the bedroom decorate artistic best, this new lamp to use device, such as animal model, root carving, flowers and birds, etc. , to produce a unique effect. ( 4) Restaurant in general is given priority to with droplight, the choice of lamps and lanterns can't install droplight is too high, above the eye level of the mess, install two droplight or long oval lights, chandeliers let there be light, the light and shade regulator and drop function, restaurant incandescent lamps light source, had better use warm color to move, can't use cool color light source, otherwise affect the colour of dishes, affect the person's appetite, 5) Quiet environment of study should be cultured, concise and lively. Appropriate USES direct lighting or half direct lighting, the light had better carry illuminate from left shoulder, or in the brightness of desk ahead furnish taller not the desk lamp of dazzling. The desk lamp of special study, appropriate USES artistic desk lamp, such as spiral arm type desk lamp or desk lamp of the art that move light, make the light immediate illuminate is on desk. Generally does not need comprehensive consumed, for convenient access can be set on the bookcase invisible light.
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