The characteristics of the lamps and lanterns of hotel concept

by:Rongde     2021-01-22
Many hotels for lamps and lanterns use time for a long time, so some old lamps and lanterns should be replaced, and by order of lamps and lanterns is definitely the most ideal way. Although this method is feasible, but the custom of lamps and lanterns at the hotel when a lot of problems need to attract the attention of everyone, especially not have negligence on the following aspects. 1, coordination. Lighting designers to increase communication with interior designers, coordinated the design result. Reflect the needs of the hotel in harmony. The lighting effects and good environment of construction, decoration style and the needs of the hotel environment. 2, energy saving. Using a variety of lighting method and control method to achieve energy saving effect. At the same time, comprehensive use of natural light, to reduce the use of artificial light. According to the importance of the different space and different occasions, the hotel custom conditions to set up the different situations of lamps and lanterns, establish different illumination correction, can reduce the power consumption of lamps and lanterns. With the least and most perfect lamps and lanterns to achieve the best results with 3, security. Safety is the most should be considered in the process of order for 4, technical. In hotel lighting design, can choose new lighting and lighting related standards and innovative design ideas. Reflect characteristics and future times. To achieve flexible control 5, green environmental protection. In the design of lamps and lanterns, use the lamps and lanterns of a lot, sometimes to consider the lamps and lanterns and light source, impact on the environment. To save energy at the same time, to prevent glare and light is not good. Thus it can be seen that the hotel custom make to order the problem relating to have a lot of lamps and lanterns, is no longer had proved that good design is the only can, but the more such as environmental protection, energy conservation and so on various aspects requirements, so order must take all these problems into consideration.
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