The beauty of the new Chinese style lamps and lanterns of mortise and tenon joint structure

by:Rongde     2021-01-10
Mortise and tenon joint is the earliest scientific design significance in Chinese architectural language, in our national history of civilization, as the invention of the Chinese character has a long history, its own system. The development rule of furniture is inheriting the traditional timberwork building principle. The essence of traditional architecture is unparalleled, mortise and tenon joint of intricate stone design and gives it life. At the same time the design of the new Chinese style lamps and lanterns structure vaguely also follows the principle of through fit between individual iron pipe are connected into a whole, the careful you find? Hard material particularly high requirements for mortise and tenon joint, which is caused by the characteristics of hard material itself, it is not like other cork have tolerance. Hard wood as the name suggests is a 'hard & throughout; Words, 'a hardwood is firm and crisp, without scale. The new Chinese style lamps and lanterns, wrought iron pipe production and design. Tightness of mortise and tenon joint must be done well, scientific and reasonable, if the tenon large small, greatly too forcibly tenon when loading is easy craze, tenon small eye is easy to fall off. ‍ ‍ More new style of Chinese style lamp act the role ofing clickable counseling online customer service or dial the hotline: or QQ: 2442958075, the new Chinese style lamp act the role ofing, 'light & throughout; You go home
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