Soldering of lamp glass process

by:Rongde     2020-09-20
What is solder glass lamp, just as its name implies is to use copper and glass as the main material, the adornment of the way by hand soldering connection chimney lamps and lanterns. Often in daily life people often call it copper soldering lamp, all copper solder lamp or soldering lamp.

depending on the soldering lamp glass material, soldering lamp glass is mainly the following kinds:

1. Clear light of float glass, also known as glass, generally can be divided into two kinds of 3 mm and 5 mm, this kind of glass in glass lamps and lanterns is widely used.
2. The interior of the bubble glass, glass with uneven distribution of small bubbles.
3. The appearance of glass: also called frosted glass, glass surface of the ice pattern designs.
4. The water lines glass, glass surface water patterns decorative pattern.
5. Diamond glass, glass surface is uneven.

according to the glass processing technology, solder lamp glass mainly has the following kinds:
1. Glass: spelling a flower is made up of many pieces of glass after serging solder combination
2. A glass: the frosted glass surface do special handling, like fog.
3. Single curved glass, glass after bending process, make single curved shape.
4. Double bend glass, glass after bending process, make double curved shape.
5. Screen printing glass: like silk patterns are printed on the glass.
6. Cut glass, glass carved like 'm' word of the decorative pattern.
7. Hand paint the clouds glass ( Hand paint since doing) 。

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