New Chinese style style of the 'new' is embodied in what place?

by:Rongde     2021-01-18
In the home we enjoyed the beauty of the new Chinese style, but also affected more after 90, make more and more are obsessed with textual research after 90. In fact, the new Chinese style style is a very special decoration style, its requirements on lighting is higher, want to use light concise in form, in effect to uniform light distribution. Therefore, the droplight, LED tube light, the light with this kind of light source requirements are higher. New Chinese style '& throughout; Compared with old people like the traditional Chinese style thick, the decorative pattern of heavy and complicated, heavy mahogany furniture and slightly grandiose adornment, have let young people off. The new Chinese style on the basis of Chinese style style, new elements into the more modern, would be tedious to concise, and do not break the charm of traditional Chinese style, to restore ancient ways also became fashionable. We all his life, to do the common things good we, with the same spirit of craftsmen opened new journey - - - - - Lighting more lighting design can directly to lamp act the role ofing exhibition site to choose, welcome the arrival of a friend
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