How to distinguish to the quality of the new Chinese style lamp ( 2)

by:Rongde     2021-01-23
In the new Chinese style lamp act the role ofing saw a variety of lighting design experience pavilion, basically every principle of new Chinese style lamps and lanterns is according to this method, hope you can help to you. Yesterday we said that the new method is the first Chinese style lamps and lanterns of judgement is the overall structure of the lamps and lanterns, we today to explain the second discrimination techniques. At first glance, the overall structure of the lamps and lanterns we is good judgment. More subtle quality distinguish a new Chinese style lamps and lanterns, also can see the lamp arm of welding and polishing surface smoothness, welding interface is smooth, polished and color processing is smooth, the lamps and lanterns of the corresponding quality is much better. Generally a closer look at the lamp body can distinguish out. The corner lamp body and color processing is relatively easy to identify the quality of new Chinese style lighting techniques. More new style of Chinese style lamp act the role ofing clickable counseling online customer service or dial the hotline: or QQ: 2442958075,, do have a cultural connotation of the new Chinese style lamps and lanterns suppliers.
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