Hotpot restaurant heated rod due to meet the personalized needs of lamps and lanterns

by:Rongde     2021-01-19
With the growth of new consumer groups, with lighting style decoration, personalized consumer demand, and lamps and lanterns of hotpot restaurant custom due to meet the current requirement of advocating personality, show individual glamour and popular. At present, the domestic hotpot restaurant lamps and lanterns of most of the same design, lack of originality, and more is imitation. In recent years, many domestic enterprises have begun to power environmental protection design of lamps and lanterns, this shows that the environmental protection idea unique natural material, bamboo rattan wood lamps and lanterns, in slowly developed, many people into the range of vision. Development to its current size and hotpot restaurant lamps and lanterns, in the face of fierce competition, domestic market, many enterprises to carry out price war, and foreign markets relying on low cost way has been struggling. The cane makes up the lamps and lanterns industry breakthrough in the design, a large number of high quality furniture design talents in furniture manufacturing enterprises, design has its own characteristics of products is the key to the development of furniture industry
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