Hotel lamps and lanterns of customized safety concerns

by:Rongde     2021-01-22
Different hotel has different style, and it is this characteristic style will attract live different guests. Hotel customization means can be pervious to light lamps and lanterns, distribution, and change the distribution of light source light equipment, including all except the light source used for fixed and protect the light source all the components, as well as the necessary circuit connected to the power supply accessories. In order to make the hotel adornment more lamps and lanterns can conform to the characteristics of the hotel, a lot of hotels to choose the lamps and lanterns. So, the hotel in the order of lamps and lanterns should notice what item? Now it's time to summarize the four factors of the key! Hotel environment, style determines the brightness, requirements and customized style of lamps and lanterns. Hotel may customize the types of lamps and lanterns of lamps and lanterns has separate diversity, from the sitting room, dining-room, bedroom, hutch defends to footpath, balcony, bar! From indoor to outdoor, more to adorn the surrounding environment, the design style of modern lighting lamps and lanterns is more and more diversified, classical, modern, fashion, European, American, relaxed, luxurious, beautiful. Hotel environment design is different, so its brightness requirements are also different. In order to attract different customers ( gù kè) Eye, the hotel can from the preferences of different customers to design more noble style lamps and lanterns. Hotel lamp to custom, we must give full consideration to the safety of the lamps and lanterns, so every step of production is very concern, because the hotel lamps and lanterns is usually custom-made lamps and lanterns, the larger in diameter, and the natural disposition is to consider the elements of the Ann.
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