Droplight businessman introduction to the origin of the concept of new Chinese style droplight

by:Rongde     2020-10-09
April 08, 2020

our company specializing in the production of various types of lamps and lanterns, droplight with European style, Chinese style style, especially to give priority to dozen of brand, Chinese style droplight variety is complete, can satisfy different customers' requirements. The following for you about the origin of the concept of new Chinese style droplight.

new Chinese style exquisite and elegant modelling of lamps and lanterns, sculpture, coloured drawing or pattern each product can make people miss the past and yearning for the future. And it is Chinese style guileless kind of lamps and lanterns, close to nature, with rich connotation, add the element of Chinese style, give the overall space brings a thick and heavy, big and not empty. New Chinese style of lamp act the role ofing the luminescence is a warm color is light and soft light, more give a person a kind of warm feeling; Most of new Chinese style lamp is given priority to with colour strong color, give a person a kind of idyllic feeling; New Chinese style lamp modelling is symmetrical, reflect China's balance of beauty.

due to the influence of Chinese traditional lamps and lanterns, on modelling design is given priority to with balance, symmetry, mostly do not like modern lamps and lanterns with art. The design concept of new Chinese style lamps and lanterns is primarily in the form of symmetry to construct, to reflect the ancient Chinese art deco balance beauty. On the overall architecture are exquisite, quality work more careful.

the new Chinese style lamps and lanterns is popular now, because it has broken the traditional Chinese style furniture gives a person dull heavy feeling, in shape, proportion, and color on the combining traditional culture and modern fashion elements, have affinity more. Actually each kind of design has its specific cultural background, in order to pass specific cultural atmosphere in the pursuit of people's lives.
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