All copper lamp teach you make sitting room feng shui

by:Rongde     2020-09-14
The sitting room is the appearance of a family, it is the main place, we have sent to our family members stay at most places. How do we create comfortable in the sitting room and living room feng shui is particularly important. Create good feng shui, the sitting room should pay attention to the two main sites, the first is through the home of the sitting room decorate the family prosperity incense, secondly by building the defense of put an end to the worst of the sitting room. To create such a feng shui, we should obtain from the following several aspects: the first:
the colour collocation of the sitting room should coordinate azimuth begets to
the colour collocation of the sitting room is more important is the pattern and the five elements of begets or mismatched energy balance to achieve, if once the balance is broken, you'll destroy the feng shui of whole sitting room, light, let a person feel very uncomfortable, or family or money will lead to damage.
if the sitting room is the window to the east, appropriate make give priority to color with yellow, due to the east five lines of wood, but wood gas when wanda, born in accordance with the five elements theory, wood, earth for gain.
if the sitting room window south appropriate USES white as the main color. Land of the south is fire is internal heat when wanda, born in accordance with the five elements theory, grams of gold is fire.
if the window to the west should be make give priority to color with green. Western five lines of gold, but gold gas when wanda, metal restricting wood for fiscal terms that wood is the wealth of gold, and green is the color of wood, so the west living room use this color to decorate, can get the result of prosperous wealth.
if the window to the north of the sitting room appropriate to make give priority to color with red, the northern five lines of water, but water when wanda, grams of fire and water for money. Term that fire is the wealth of the water, so to the north of the sitting room should choose fire red and purple, pink. So the color inside the sitting room is preferred with the three, and north to the sitting room of the north wind blows in winter, use warm color can add a bit of warmth.
in addition, we also according to the status of the family of five line, engaged in the industry to make coordination, to achieve the most water for himself and his family network.

the second: the decoration of the sitting room act the role ofing and furnishing articles to use less as far as possible Yin qi is very heavy.
the decoration of the sitting room act the role ofing and furnishing articles of the most important principle is to use less as far as possible Yin qi heavy things. Are all the decoration of the feng shui mascot depending on people of eight big but pray and personal hexagrams orientation. Some sharp objects, for example, like a sword, firearms, MEDALS, animal specimens, should not be hung on the wall. The thing itself with a heavy Yin qi, serious when it leads to a row or violence in the home. At the same time, we also should as far as possible to put in the sitting room with a desk lamp or desk lamp of the edges and ornaments. If because people need to put these with the five elements of Yin qi, please be sure to follow the instruction at the feng shui master to put.

the third: the sofa of the sitting room layout should pay attention to put the direction and collocation
it is well known that the sofa of the sitting room with the number of single person sofa, double sofa, three people on sofa, etc. From the shape can be divided into long sofa, the rue droit-mur, round sofa sofa. The sitting room sofa units has exquisite, most avoid is a half, or more than one set of sofa and shape.
second, must be put in the sitting room sofa of kyrgyzstan. For east toward the house, should be put in the sitting room sofa east, southeast, south and north of the four geely bearing. For west toward the house, should be put in the sitting room sofa is moving west, southwest, northwest and northeast of the four geely bearing.
in addition, the sitting room sofa back should have to rely on, the so-called have to rely on is what we call the backer, is refers to the sofa behind must have a solid wall is reliable, such ability can let sit no trouble back at home.

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